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Archie Renaux exclusive interview: On Upgraded, working with Camila Mendes | Hollywood helobaba.com

In Prime Video’s latest rom-com offering Upgraded, actor Archie Renaux plays William. It is the classic what-are-the-chances encounter that happens only in the movies, Anna (Camila Mendes) spills her Bloody Mary all over his suit in the airport lounge, and then finds him seated just beside on first class just an hour later. Archie plays William as a cool and collected lad who doesn’t mind someone making mistakes as long as they are ready to acknowledge it. In this exclusive interview with Hindustan Times, Archie sat down for a brief chat into playing the lead opposite Camila Mendes and taking the help of Google to name his favourite romantic comedy. (Also read: Upgraded movie review: Camilla Mendes leads this spirited yet formulaic romantic comedy)

Archie Renaux in a still from Upgraded.
Archie Renaux in a still from Upgraded.

On playing William

Archie pauses a little when asked whether there were any specific rom-com leads that informed his approach to playing William. “No, no one really specifically,” he adds. “But I drew inspirations from rom-coms like Notting Hill, Love Actually, The Holiday… all those kinds of British ones I guess. But no one in particular.” The names he includes are all rom-com classics- endlessly rewatchable during holiday season on even after a week when one wants to switch on to the comfort of those known characters. Upgraded also seems poised to join that enviable list, with its light-footed approach to modern romance and the desire for professional stability- one that feels like an extremely topical thematic undercurrent to trace in the genre.

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Archie Renaux and Camilla Mendes in a still from Upgraded.
Archie Renaux and Camilla Mendes in a still from Upgraded.

On his chemistry with Camila Mendes

For a romantic comedy to work, the prerequisite is that the leads share an instantly believable and likeable chemistry. Upgraded ticks that box very well. William and Anna hit it off from the very first second, and although there’s a white lie that involves within that romance, the viewer always roots for both of them to come together and sort things out. Ask him about building that chemistry with Riverdale alum Camila Mendes, and Archie responds, “I think it always comes down to having a lot of laughs with each other and joking around. I think that’s certainly the easiest way for me to kind of break the ice and get to know someone. It was very easy to do that with Camy! She is a very easy-going presence right away and we felt like we were on the same level. It kind of happened very naturally which is lucky! It made things a lot easier.”

His favourite rom-com

When he’s asked to name his favourite rom-coms over the years, that’s when things get a lot less easier for him. The actor pauses for a few moments, as if trying to find the name of that exact childhood favourite. Yet, like the best of us, he cannot remember the name at that very moment. When I tell him that he must have some memory that he either chooses to gatekeep or not remember, he is all in a flurry of words, reassuring that he does have one but he cannot remember the name for some reason when he needs it the most. “I have forgotten the name of it now!” he giggles, and then adds, “I have gone completely blank! Let me have a little look now!” He grabs his mobile and types aggressively, telling me that he remembers the actor but not the film.

A full minute of silence occurs. I let him search and wait for the answer. “Come on, where is it?” he mutters to himself while searching. “About Time!” he exclaims after a moment and keeps the phone aside in an excited fashion. He’s got it. “That’s the one!” he smiles. When asked further about this specific choice, Archie notes how its just a sweet story, the relationship with his dad, and how it spoke to him. “It touched me,” is all he reveals. Some memories are better left unsaid.

Upgraded is available to stream on Prime Video.

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