
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son? 2022

“Zou Ji is more than eight feet long, and his appearance is beautiful.” We all know that this is a sentence describing the height of the ancients. However, in modern society, will there still be such a tall person?

The answer is of course yes. At the beginning of the century, there was a name that we may all have heard of——Bao Xishun. He is 2.36 meters tall and is currently the tallest person in the Guinness Book of World Records. His ups and downs and then found a happy life is enough to attract attention, but his son’s height made everyone “surprised”. Let’s take a look!

Bao Xishun A tall guy with basketball dreams

In 1951, a baby boy was born in the countryside of Inner Mongolia. The simple parents named their son “Bao Xishun” according to their good wishes for their children and with their limited but hard-working knowledge.

In the rural areas at that time, most of the children from poor families had no money to go to school. After graduating from primary school, they had to drop out of school and go out to make a living. Bao Xishun is no exception. After graduating from elementary school, he had to start a life of “wandering around”. At that time, he was only 13 years old.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

However, since he was a child, Bao Xishun felt that he was “wrong” compared with others – although he was not the strongest among his peers, his height was growing “by leaps and bounds”. At the age of fifteen, when most of his good friends were still hovering around 1.67 meters, Bao Xishun’s height had reached an astonishing 1.9 meters.

Such an outstanding height is one of the best even in the city, let alone in the countryside of the “acquaintance society” at that time. In his adolescence, he often felt inferior because of his height, and he also had a lot of worries in his heart. He became a taciturn boy, and he didn’t like to go out, so he was unhappy at home all day long.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

Later, by a coincidence, the captain of the basketball team of the Shenyang Military Region came to his hometown village, accidentally noticed this tall boy in the village, and became interested in him, thinking that he was a good seed for the future national basketball team. then. Bao Xishun got acquainted with the brothers of the basketball team of the Shenyang Military Region, and began his three years as a soldier in Shenyang.

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In the past three years, Bao Xishun has rekindled his love for basketball. In fact, he has liked playing basketball very much since he was a child, and his height is also very suitable for this sport. In the barracks, Bao Xishun changed his inferiority complex and timidity in the past, and played basketball with his comrades every day, practicing basketball, very happy.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

Bao Xishun chance after frustration

However, due to unforeseen circumstances, during a basketball match in the military camp, Bao Xishun accidentally fell and injured his leg, so he had to rest temporarily and give up basketball. At that time, he was only in his early twenties. When he was still growing, his leg injury had not recovered, but his height began to “surge by leaps and bounds”. During the days of recovery, his height jumped to 2.36 meters.

Without exception, Bao Xishun’s basketball dream was dealt a major blow by his tall stature and the sequelae of leg injuries. He tried to return to the basketball court, but his uncoordinated body and the leg injury that dragged him to jump all indicated that he was no longer suitable for playing basketball.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

In desperation, he left the army with tears in his eyes. With some subsidies from the past three years as a soldier, he returned to his familiar hometown to find a way out. Hard-working and simple, he often helps others to work and move things, and has done manual work for more than ten years. Instagram Is Over The Atlantic Hacker News

However, perhaps it was fate again. In 2004, at the age of 53, he met another “noble man” – the owner of a steamed fish restaurant.

The boss was troubled by the bleak business at that time, the small shop was not very famous, and he happened to know that there was a “giant” boy in Chifeng, so he thought of the strategy of spokesperson. He invited Bao Xishun, who was frustrated at the time, to be the spokesman for his restaurant.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

The kind-hearted Bao Xishun agreed without hesitation. And the boss also gave him a lot of endorsement fees. Later, the Steamed Fish Restaurant endorsed by Bao Xishun became famous in the small town of his hometown, and Bao Xishun was also known by more people. However, people looked at him with interest this time, instead of looking at him as they didn’t understand or even saw him as a stranger.

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Through multiple contacts, he also succeeded in becoming the tallest person to break the Guinness World Record with a height of 2.36 meters. These opportunities and changes made Bao Xishun very happy. He also gave up his previous low self-esteem and became more and more confident and likes to communicate with others.

Later, another incident caused Bao Xishun to meet his wife.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

Bao Xishun happiness from kindness

In 2006, Bao Xishun had become a “popular man”, and TV stations often invited him to be a guest.

One day, a small accident occurred in Fushun Royal Polar Ocean World—two dolphins in the aquarium accidentally ate plastic balls, which got stuck in the trachea, and their lives were in danger. At that time, there was no very advanced equipment, and the ball was 1.05 meters away from the dolphin’s mouth, and the arms of normal people were not so long. At the critical moment, the doctor suddenly thought of Bao Xishun—”Let him use his long arms to reach into the dolphin’s mouth and take out the ball, wouldn’t that be enough!”

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

The Aquarium immediately contacted Bao Xishun, wondering if he would agree. Unexpectedly, after hearing what they said, Bao Xishun agreed without hesitation, and rushed to the hospital immediately. When he came to the hospital, Bao Xi put on medical gloves and after disinfection, he insisted on taking out the plastic ball with his bare hands despite the friction of the broken teeth in the dolphin’s mouth, and the two cute little dolphins were also saved.

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For a while, Bao Xishun’s kindness moved everyone present, and he appeared on TV again. People all over the country got to know this tall and kind man better. At this time, a girl named Xia Shujuan adored him. The two later met because of a dinner, and then fell in love.

Bao Xishun, China's first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor's advice. How tall was his son?
Bao Xishun, China’s first giant, risked giving birth despite the doctor’s advice. How tall was his son?

At that time, Xia Shujuan was only twenty-eight years old. These two men and women with a big age difference and a big difference in height may have met real fate. In 2007, the two tied the knot.

A year later, their son was born. With good expectations for the future of the child, the couple named their son “Tianyou”. As soon as Tianyou was born, he gave everyone a big surprise with a weight of eight pounds. People were discussing one after another, worrying whether Bao Xishun’s physique would affect the child, and also looking forward to how tall God Bless will be in the future?


However, after a doctor from the Inner Mongolia Hospital examined Bao Xishun, he found that Bao Xishun was just a normal person. Although he had a “special” height, there was nothing wrong with his body, it was just a normal law of his own growth. Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 | Official Trailer

Today’s Tianyou is already fifteen years old, but he has not inherited his father’s height, and his body is also very healthy, and he is even a little “out of everyone” – at the age of fifteen, he is only about 1.7 meters tall. In fact, Bao Xishun didn’t care too much about it, “As long as the child is healthy, it is more important than anything else.” He said so.


epilogue Bao Xishun

Bao Xishun’s life was rough but he found true happiness. In fact, for us ordinary people, as long as we live healthy, we are already very lucky.

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