
What moles on different body parts reveal about your personality

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Elbow Moles: Elbows, joints providing flexibility, also play a role in mole astrology. Moles on elbows, regardless of their placement, may signify restlessness, artistic abilities, wealth, and a love for travel.

Wrist Moles: Moving to the wrists, a mole on either suggests innovation and high creativity. Individuals with wrist moles may possess skills akin to a painter or writer.

Palm Moles: Palms, representing life’s path, are not overlooked. A mole on the inner palm is seen as an indication of challenges and obstacles in one’s journey.

Finger Moles: Fingers, instrumental in daily tasks, are subject to mole astrology as well. A mole on any finger is considered unlucky, suggesting an untrustworthy nature and a propensity for exaggeration.

Rib Moles: The ribs, protecting vital organs, have their own set of predictions. A mole on the right side may imply a tendency to lie easily and hide fears, while one on the left side suggests an average life.

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