
Will the new Coronavirus end after death? Scientist: A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body

After it was released, the new crown virus began to spread rapidly. Not everyone was safe and immune. Many people recovered after the fever, and some people died unexpectedly due to complications.

Will the new Coronavirus end after death?

Japanese researchers recently conducted a study that has not been peer-reviewed. They found that a large number of new coronaviruses still survived in the corpses of people who died of the new coronavirus within 13 days, which is similar to a German study in March 2021. Studies showing that “new coronavirus can still survive in the body 17 days after death” coincide with each other.

Everyone knows that the new coronavirus can survive on the surface of objects for 2–3 days. Many studies have shown that the new coronavirus can last up to three days on surfaces such as stainless steel, plastic, and glass.

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Did it all end together?

A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body.webp
A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body.webp

Since the spread of the new crown virus, the staff of morgues and funeral parlors have been advised to carefully handle the dead bodies due to the new crown and the need to wear strict protective equipment. Relatives and friends attending the funeral only need to wear masks and do not have to worry about being infected by the dead body. You need to be more careful with those around you.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated in April that there are currently no known risks during funerals and visitations of people who have died of the new coronavirus, but if people around them have been infected or are in crowded and unventilated environments, more susceptible to COVID-19.

A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body.webp
A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body.webp

The World Health Organization says Ebola can spread at funerals because bodies and objects continue to carry the virus, and family members and others can only touch or wash the body during religious entitlements to distribute the deceased’s belongings.

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It is not only the respiratory tract of patients with the new coronavirus that can carry the virus. A study in the journal Nature found that among the 44 deceased, the new coronavirus can exist in 84 different anatomical parts and bodily fluids of unvaccinated individuals. These locations include the brain, blood plasma, heart, lymph nodes, adrenal glands, and eyes.

A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body.webp
A large number of new Coronavirus are still alive in the body.webp

And in one of the cases in the study, an autopsy of a patient who died of the new coronavirus 230 days after the onset of symptoms still found infection in multiple parts of his body.

It can be seen that the vitality of the new coronavirus is still very tenacious, and it can linger for a period of time after the death of the host. When cleaning up the dead, the family members must do a good job of protection to avoid unnecessary casualties and try to leave it to professional people. Do.

People also ask Q and A

When will COVID expire?

People who are more susceptible to major illnesses may need weeks to recover. If a person contracts COVID-19 and experiences long-term health issues, symptoms often last for 2 to 8 weeks after continuing the virus.

Will Covid-19 alter the world for change?

The effects of COVID-19 will be felt for a long time, affecting the global economy permanently and imparting valuable lessons. Similar to how security measures became commonplace following 9/11, virus screening is going to become a part of our daily lives.

How long has there been a coronavirus?

COVID-19. The World Health Organization proclaimed a pandemic after the new Corona-Virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019. (WHO).

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