
Feeling Low? A Bowl of Pasta Might Help |

Move over, endorphin-pumping playlists and victory laps! When it comes to instant happiness, a steaming bowl of pasta might top the charts. A recent study by the International Pasta Organisation (IPO) revealed a phenomenon they call the “Smile Effect“: pasta triggered a higher “Smile Index” compared to activities like listening to music and participating in sports.
Kareena Kapoor Khan hogs on a bowl of pasta

Kareena Kapoor Khan calls herself the spaghetti girl & pasta her best friend! (Image: Kareena Kapoor’s IG)

Why pasta?
Why does this culinary comfort food put a bigger grin on our faces than a banger playlist or a game-winning goal? There’s more to pasta than meets the eye. Several factors could contribute to its happiness-inducing powers:

  • Pasta brings back warm memories of childhood and family dinners. These positive associations trigger the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, making you feel happy and content.
  • The texture of pasta, rich flavours of sauce, and the aromatic steam all create a multi-sensory experience that engages your brain’s pleasure centers. This sensory dance stimulates reward pathways, leaving you feeling satisfied and happy.
  • Pasta is shared with loved ones, and social connections are crucial for overall well-being and contribute significantly to happiness levels.
Study shows that link between pasta & positive emotions

A bowl of pasta increases positive emotions in body states a recent study by IPO. (Image: istock)

“Pasta adapts! One minute, it’s a quick weeknight fix, next, it’s a Sunday feast with the whole family. You can dress it up like a fancy date night dish or keep it simple with just garlic and oil. Takes on whatever mood you throw at it,” says Mannat Malhotra a Gurugram based chef
The Science Behind the Smile:The IPO study used facial recognition technology to measure emotional responses. Participants who ate pasta displayed more smiles and expressions of contentment compared to those who listened to music or played sports. While this doesn’t definitively prove pasta makes everyone happier than everything else, it suggests a strong link between pasta consumption and positive emotions.

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