
This is what happened to the world’s biggest ship ever built

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In 1991, the Happy Giant was ready to resume service as an oil tanker. It was chartered by various companies and countries, and continued to transport crude oil around the world. In 1991, it was renamed again as Jahre Viking, after its owner. In 2004, it was converted into a floating storage and offloading unit (FSO), and was moored at the Al Shaheen oil field in Qatar. It was renamed once more as Knock Nevis, after a Norwegian village. In 2009, it was sold to an Indian company and renamed Mont, for its final voyage to India, where it was to be scrapped.

The Mont arrived at the Alang shipbreaking yard in Gujarat, India, in December 2009. It was beached on the shore and dismantled by hundreds of workers, who cut the ship into pieces and sold the scrap metal and parts. The scrapping process took about a year, and marked the end of the Seawise Giant’s long and eventful journey. The ship that was once the largest and heaviest in the world, and that had survived war and time, was gone forever.

Image: History Defined

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