
Brad Pitt’s ‘Troy’ Co-star Had To Resort To Extreme Means To Earn Some Money After Spending It All on Drinks and Gambling

Brad Pitt is one of the best actors in all of Hollywood, whose reputation precedes himself in every way. After all, he has worked with the best of the best the industry has to offer and that includes Quentin Tarantino. However, it appears Brad Pitt’s co-star from Troy had to resort to some extreme means to get money after burning it all on gambling and drinks.

Brad Pitt in Fight ClubBrad Pitt in Fight Club
A scene from Fight Club

Brad Pitt is known for so many incredible movies over the years, with the likes of Fight ClubSnatch12 Monkeys and of course – Troy, which remains a crowning achievement in cinema in general.

Brad Pitt’s Troy Co-star Resorted to Ridiculous Measures to Get Money After Blowing It All On Gambling

Brad Pitt as Achilles in Troy Brad Pitt as Achilles in Troy
Brad Pitt in Troy

Brad Pitt was part of the classic film Troy, alongside Peter O’Toole, who portrayed the role of Priam in the film. Having spent nine months filming in the desert of Jordan, Peter O’Toole recalled engaging in gambling with his fellow Lawrence of Arabia co-star Omar Sharif.

While speaking in an old interview, Peter O’Toole reminisced about him and Sharif losing every penny they had earned from working nine months in the desert in just a few hours. This situation led them to attempt to sell their passports.

I mean Omar Shariff is a compulsive gambler. I know he won’t mind me saying this, because he knows he is. When we shared digs together, which we did for over two years, it was like living with a younger version of my father. There was one point where Omar and I, we were in Beirut. And in a few hours, we lost every penny that we’d earned for 9 months in the desert and we were in the lavotary trying to sell our passports.

Later on in the interview, O’Toole revealed that the two found themselves in the company of a “rather distinguished, honorable politician,” who, according to the actor, “came up with a few dibs and saved our bacon.” However, they didn’t really learn anything from their plight, as they would end up being in a similar situation the next year in Casablanca. The difference was that they lost their money in a couple of days that time.

Quentin Tarantino Nixed Original Vision For Inglourious Basterds After Praise From A French Director

Brad Pitt in action in Inglourious BasterdsBrad Pitt in action in Inglourious Basterds
A scene from Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds starring Brad Pitt is hailed as Quentin Tarantino’s magnum opus, as it basically has everything one would want in a perfect movie, whether it is a star-studded cast, incredible acting, visuals, storyline and so much more.

According to All The Right Movies on Twitter, Quentin Tarantino initially had 12 hours of material for his World War II project and contemplated creating a TV mini-series. When he shared this idea with French director Luc Besson, Besson stated, “You are one of the few directors who makes me want to go to the movies.” This feedback influenced Quentin Tarantino’s decision to turn the material into a film instead and the rest, as we say, is history.

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