
Despite Rampant Cheating, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Warzone Anti-Cheat System Supposedly Banned a Huge Amount of Cheaters Last Weekend

Hackers in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone are having fun flying helicopters to outer space, getting grenade launcher kills from sniping range, and doing what not to ruin the game’s experience. That doesn’t mean the CoD team is just sitting back, they are observing too. Since the introduction of the game’s anti-cheat system, RICOCHET, they have barred a large number of accounts from the game using hacker mods.

Last year, they instituted a concept called “splat.” As the name suggests, it can flatten a player on the ground, giving it a fine coat of red, something that Splatoon players will find amusing. What the system does is cut a player’s parachute upon detecting them using a hacked version of the game. What follows isn’t that hard to imagine.

Those Call of Duty Hackers Are Suppressed Now

RICOCHET Team took down 6K Call of Duty hackers recently.RICOCHET Team took down 6K Call of Duty hackers recently.
Ricochet Team took down 6K Call of Duty hackers recently.

Ricochet Team isn’t only dependent on “splat“, it has been tracking a spike in cheating reports within the community.” Call of Duty dropped an update on its official blog explaining what’s brewing over the hacker problem. The update isn’t very lengthy, but they have managed to ban 6K accounts between February 16 to February 20.

According to the game analytics platform Steam Charts, over 88K concurrent users are playing the game. Taking this into account, it cannot be said how many of them are using hacks to their advantage right now. But to the players’ relief, those 6K are not likely in there for now if they aren’t already using a different account.

Moreover, as it was circled on the internet, the RICOCHET Anti-Cheat system was down for the time being. However, that wasn’t the case at all. Only a telemetry system went offline. “This action resulted in cheat developers claiming RICOCHET Anti-Cheat was offline. It was not.” The blog cleared the air with the statement.

So Where Does this Leave us Now?

Splat is a fun way the Ricochet Team introduced to kick perpetrators out.Splat is a fun way the Ricochet Team introduced to kick perpetrators out.
Splat is a fun way the Ricochet Team introduced to kick perpetrators out.

To players’ dismay, every time a hacker enters, they take the edge off the enthusiasm. No one can tell how many of them are perpetrating the game. However, a Reddit user called Praise-the-lord-biter argues that 1 percent to 4 percent are hackers. One of the reasons players complain about hacks in the game is because they themselves are “bad” at the game.

In a Steam community discussion, a user dubbed Raf4Killer alleges that ‘the game is dead, there are no more players playing without hacker.” On the contrary, user Prince Habibi defends the game by commenting, “I’ve played maybe 500 hours of MWIII and have yet to see a single hacker as well.

Now that the RICOCHET Team has updated the community, it must give players a sigh of relief for it will also raise awareness among the CoD ill-practitioners which hopefully will prevent them from breaching the wall.

Have you encountered any hacker in Call of Duty yet? Tell us in the comments.

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