
Detective Forst Netflix Ending Explained

While the killer’s identity in Netflix’s Detective Forst was revealed to the audience, the ending left the titular detective with the blame.

Based on the book series Forst by Polish author Remigiusz Mróz, the first season of Detective Forst follows Detective Wiktor Forst’s pursuit of a serial killer known as the Beast of Giewont with the help of journalist Olga Szrebskaasda. As they hunt the murderer down, they discover a conspiracy of revenge spanning decades.

Despite discovering the serial killer’s identity and how Forst’s past is tied to him, audiences were left with major questions at the end of the season. Specifically, questions about the fate of certain characters, the elaborate plan set in place by the Beast of Giewont, and their motive for tormenting Forst.

Who is the Beast of Giewont?

In Episode 4 of Netflix’s Detective Forst, Forst and Olga finally come face to face with the Beast of Giewont, whose real name is Iwo Elijah.

Seemingly under the control of Halina Sznajdermans, Iwo quickly disposes of her with Forst’s gun and ties him to the scene of the crime.

Kamilla Baar, Dominika Wadryś Hansen, Detective Forst, Netflix
Detective Forst

After being brought in for questioning and now becoming the only prime suspect in the murders, Forst, in a last-ditch effort to clear his name, has a street artist make a composite sketch of Iwo and sends it to Inspector Edmund Osica.

Detective Forst, Maciej Pesta, Gjord Hansen, Netflix
Detective Forst

Unfortunately, in the penultimate episode and just before a press conference about the murders, Prosecutor Dominika Wadryś Hansen sees the sketch first and realizes with horror that the Beast of Giewont is none other than her husband, Gjord Hansen.

What Was Gjord’s Motive?

Gjord Hansen was originally an orphan named Iwo Elijah alongside Forst under the care of Halina, the director of their orphanage. One day, as children, they decide to steal something of hers, a coin necklace.

Halina Sznajdermans, Coin, Detective Forst, Netflix
Detective Forst

Iwo took all the blame, which labeled him a thief and barred him from being adopted alongside Wiktor. Since then, he has harbored intense anger towards Forst for his betrayal and wants nothing more than to ruin his life.

While Halina saw an opportunity to mold Iwo into a tool of vengeance, he saw it as a chance at revenge and used his killing of Halina’s enemies to lure in Forst. Once he had disposed of Halina, he set about framing Forst not only the murders of the Beast of Giewont but also those of Agata, Staszek, and Nina.

What Happened to Detective Forst in the Ending?

After failing to save Edmund Osica’s daughter, Agata, from Iwo and fighting him nearly to the death, Detective Forst‘s ending sees the show’s titular character rushed back to Nina’s home to see if Olga is safe. It is not until he notices a bloody coin on Olga’s pillow that he realizes she has become another of Gjord’s victims.

Detective Forst, Coin, Netflix
Detective Forst

Gjord, meanwhile, is unconscious in the backseat of his wife’s car, driving him who knows where. It’s left ambiguous whether it was she who killed or took Olga or merely found her husband in the aftermath of the crime in Nina’s house.

Detective Forst, Arrested, Police, Netflix
Detective Forst

The season ends with Forst sitting dejected on a couch next to Nina’s body, who is presumably killed by Gjord when he takes Olga. The police are seen arriving in droves outside the house, but audiences do not know whether Forst waited to be arrested out of guilt for his failure to save Olga or slipped away to continue his pursuit of Gjord.

Detective Forst is now streaming on Netflix.

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