
It Seems Capcom Could be Returning to the Dead Rising Franchise

It looks like Capcom has some questions it wants to ask players. Yes, that means you can evaluate the studio at certain points and even request sequels or spin-offs to beloved series. It’s not just limited to these. Those who vote in the official voting called “Super Elections” can also win prizes. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

The fact that Capcom is encouraging people to take surveys and ask them questions about Okami, Dead Rising, Mega Man, Dino Crisis, and more may actually be about something crispy. Well, isn’t it odd that this survey comes after the recent Dead Rising allegations? Or could this really be a thing about polling players’ thoughts?

New Capcom Survey Has Dead Rising Fans Excited

New Capcom Survey Has Dead Rising Fans ExcitedNew Capcom Survey Has Dead Rising Fans Excited
The new Capcom survey has Dead Rising fans excited.

While Capcom‘s “Super Elections” might seem like a classy fan interaction, some observant fans think there’s more significance to it. An example is the beloved Dead Rising series. You know, the beloved Dead Rising series, which hasn’t been spotted since 2016. Yes, this survey has truly sparked hope for the revival of the series.

Of course, this 10-question survey, which has details about numerous topics and series, should not be interpreted as solely specific to the Dead Rising series, but past rumors force fans to do so. It’s like when a reliable industry source told a fan last year that there might be something on the horizon for Dead Rising fans. Yeah, there’s really something going on here.

Despite all this, we’ve yet to receive confirmation from Capcom for a Dead Rising return or something. Although the cloudy launch of the fourth entry didn’t meet expectations and the game did not sell as expected, most folks still think this beloved zombie game series deserves another shot.

What About the Dino Crisis Series? Could It Be the Winner of This Survey?

New Capcom Survey Has Dead Rising Fans ExcitedNew Capcom Survey Has Dead Rising Fans Excited
Could the Dino Crisis series be the winner of this survey?

One of the series that was abandoned to its fate in Capcom’s survey was Dino Crisis. It is interpreted as one of the best series of the 2000s and has a large fan base. However, it, too, has remained silent for 21 years as one of the victims of the ruthless gaming business.

There were also claims of a new game for Dino Crisis; these did not come true. However, the question of how such a well-established series will look on the newest consoles and PCs also increases the excitement, even though it seems like a hopeless wait.

Finally, it should not be forgotten that these are fan expectations. We still have nothing, but this latest survey could be an attempt by Capcom to revive some forgotten series. However, if such a situation occurs and the conditions are met, taking into account past leaks, we can say that the first game that may be released could be something like an addition to the Dead Rising series.

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