
Kevin Feige Must Not Adapt One Controversial Storyline That Will Make Brie Larson a Walking Target for Fans

Things currently do not look good for Captain Marvel in the MCU. Not only has the character delivered the first-ever MCU dud, but it has also turned numerous fans of the franchise against her, who did not even give The Marvels a shot. Despite reviews labelling it fun, fun might be the furthest thing from Kevin Feige’s mind after seeing the box office numbers.

Brie Larson in The MarvelsBrie Larson in The Marvels
Brie Larson in The Marvels

However, if a third Captain Marvel movie has to happen, Feige knows better than anyone that there is one storyline that cannot see the light of day in the MCU. Not only is the storyline critically lacking, it also paints Carol Danvers in a very unsophisticated light. Adapting this will put a target on Brie Larson’s back, making the divisive star even more of a problem than she currently is.

Also Read: “My identity was tangled up in…”: Why Brie Larson Considered Dropping Captain Marvel Role

The MCU should never adapt Civil War II

Civil War 2Civil War 2
Civil War 2

While the First Civil War dealt with the Superhero Registration Act, pitting Captain America against Iron Man, and splitting the superhero community, the Second Civil War was less impressive. While the Superhero community found itself divided again, either side found it extremely difficult to justify their cases, making the comic run seem futile at best, and forced at worst.

In the middle of this conflict was Ulysses, a character designed for the story. His power allowed him to peer into the future, which Captain Marvel thought was a great way to execute criminals before they commit the crime. Iron Man, on the other hand, says that Ulysses’ powers must be locked away, to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. Hence the ‘Save the Future’ and ‘Change the Future’ factions are formed, one led by Iron Man and the other led by Captain Marvel.

Needless to say, the run put quite the dent in Captain Marvel’s reputation, turning a lot of fans off the character. It is for this very reason that Feige, under no circumstances should adapt Civil War 2 for Captain Marvel 3.

Also Read: “My identity was tangled up in…”: Why Brie Larson Considered Dropping Captain Marvel Role

Captain Marvel 3 could adapt a different story

the marvels post-creditsthe marvels post-credits
Brie Larson as Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers

The Enemy Within is a storyline that pits Carol Danvers against herself. In this story, Carol discovers that every time she uses her power, a lesion in his brain threatens her life. This causes the hero to be much more careful with using her power, grounding the character. This storyline would not only raise the stakes for Captain Marvel but also make it easier to write fights and conflicts for her, where she would be forced to get creative rather than punching her way through.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to be at a crossroads, as it currently stands. The next couple of years will be crucial for the IP. The franchise once again cements fan support and secures the box office, for that must be the scale on which it will be measured. While Captain Marvel is far from one of the characters who could save the franchise, her inclusion in the story in the right manner is crucial. The character has its set of fans, losing who will not afford Marvel any favors. After all, The Marvels might have failed to break even, but Captain Marvel did make a billion dollars at the box office.

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