
Kill the Justice League Fans Get Real

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League appears to be a game that splits the crowd, no matter where you look. With the overriding negative response in the run-up to launch, accompanied by the disastrous early access bug and the lack of media access codes, many opinions were that the game was doomed to failure.

Despite this, there were always bound to be differing opinions among hardcore DC fans. While many were happy to wait and see what the game would be like after launch, there was a majority who were ready to dismiss the game before they even had a chance to experience it for themselves. However, according to the games’ subreddit, there may be a shift in opinion.

What’s the Latest Opinion on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League?

Suicide SquadSuicide Squad
Could people’s opinions of the game change after they’ve played it?

The user going by thebeardofbeards posted on the Suicide Squad Gaming Subreddit with an image of Harley Quinn with the following caption: ‘My expression realising just how good this is after all the negativity.’ The overjealous picture of Quinn just emphasizes how pre-launch opinions may have been incorrect.

Beards went on to talk about how impressed they were in terms of the character builds, and these sentiments were echoed by many other fans in the thread. A special mention was made to Harley Quinn’s facial expressions, and it is perhaps no surprise that they have focused on this character, who is no doubt the most popular of the Suicide Squad.

Many on the thread were quick to point out that there appeared to be a trend of people jumping aboard the bandwagon to trash the game before even playing it. Perhaps these are the same people who have performed a complete 180 and are now full of praise.

Could We See More People Changing Opinions on Suicide Squad as the Seasons Launch?

Suicide SquadSuicide Squad
Character expressions were just one of the aspects being praised in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

With apparently more and more players coming to the realization that the game isn’t as bad as first made out, it may be that Rocksteady can finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

With such negativity surrounding the game pre-launch, there may be a significant sigh of relief from the developers now that positive reviews are starting to appear.

Many are looking forward to season 1 launching, and given the differing opinions, it could be that the live-service title may be deemed somewhat of a success. However, many in the community think that the appeal of live service is in decline, so it remains to be seen what this will mean for the future.

It’s interesting to see that opinions on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League appear to be changing. This could indeed be vindication for Rocksteady in that the vision it had for the game is finally coming to fruition. However, it may be some time before it wins over the majority of fans, if at all.

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