
NTR’s Advise Is Helping My Family Today: Chiranjeevi

Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi is the special attendee for the event organized by former MP Yarlagadda Lakshmi Prasad to commemorate NTR’s 28th Vardhanthi and ANR’s centenary celebrations under the Lok Nayak foundation in Vizag today.

At the event, Chiranjeevi spoke highly of Sr NTR and ANR. He revealed one incident where Sr NTR’s advice back in the day is helping him and his family today.

“I had a fascination with fancy cars in the early days and had my eyes on a Toyota car that had wing-type doors. But NTR Garu advised me not to invest in these aluminum foil vehicles and instead buy lands and acreage. I believed in him that day and brought lands, which are helping me and my family sustain ourselves today. I will never forget his support” Chiranjeevi said about NTR.

Chiranjeevi spoke very highly of ANR as well. “Back in the day, we used to hear that ANR garu had a bit of an inferiority complex after seeing NTR’s rise to the pinnacle point. But he didn’t let this burn him from the inside and instead used the emotion to improve himself. One should learn how to convert weakness to strength by looking at ANR. He is a man that I look up to.”

Chiru announced that he is leaving the job of writing his biography to renowned writer Yandamuri Veerendranath. Megastar said he doesn’t have the time to work on his auto biography so he has left the responsibility with Yandamuri.

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