
One Tom Cruise Inspired N64 Video Game Needs a Remake and it Needs it Now

If you are a fan of Tom Cruise, you will most likely know one of his most popular franchises, which is Mission Impossible. Back when the series first began in 1996, gamers were able to experience the Mission Impossible game, which was originally released on the Nintendo 64 in 1998.

Recently, there has been a major rise in popularity for the franchise and its headliner, Tom Cruise, and the series is constantly moving forward and creating new films that everyone can enjoy, whether they have been watching for years, or recently became fans.

Since the film franchise is on the rise, it would make sense to create a remake for the game, as fans of both Mission Impossible and Tom Cruise would love an opportunity to play one of the best spy titles from the early moments in gaming history.

The Tom Cruise Inspired Mission Impossible Game Was Good for Its Time, and Strongly Impacted Gaming

With the recent rise in Mission Impossible films, gamers are hoping we will get more games from that franchise.With the recent rise in Mission Impossible films, gamers are hoping we will get more games from that franchise.
With the recent rise in Mission Impossible films, gamers are hoping we will get more games from that franchise.

As stated above, the Mission Impossible game was considered a rather remarkable experience, even though it was released at a similar time as GoldenEye 007 and had a difficult time keeping up with the game’s popularity. However, it did manage to keep up.

What made the Mission Impossible game stand out from GoldenEye 007 was the fact that it was a third-person title that allowed players to explore 20 different levels as the main character, Ethan Hunt, who was being hunted down by his former team members.

Throughout the story, players were tasked with completing certain objectives, whether it be to find a specific computer, plant an explosive on a wall, or neutralize enemies throughout the level.

However, this was all overshadowed by the game’s rather unique stealth mechanics, which to this day are quite impressive. Players were able to utilize numerous different items to sneak around the levels, including a disguise kit that changed your character’s appearance, a dartgun to put enemies to sleep, a silence pistol, and even a fingerprint scanner to get through certain doors.

Since these mechanics were incredibly popular and made the game stand out, it became one of the game’s main systems, as going in guns blazing was incredibly risky compared to using stealth. Thanks to these mechanics and the impact they had on the game, it helped pave the way for stealth mechanics in other titles, such as Hitman, which has adapted the mechanic that was made popular in the Mission Impossible game.

Why This Game Needs a Remake, and What It Could Look Like

If a developer plays its cards right, they could get Tom Cruise to reprise his role in a Mission Impossible game.If a developer plays its cards right, they could get Tom Cruise to reprise his role in a Mission Impossible game.
If a developer plays its cards right, they could get Tom Cruise to reprise his role in a Mission Impossible game.

Over the years, gamers have moved on from spy games and looked more towards horror, survival, and first-person shooters. However, there are some who would love to make a return to spy games such as this, but with a more current take on the franchise, rather than just a standard remake.

If a full remake were possible, it would essentially bring the Mission Impossible game to current standards with better graphics, larger maps, more weapons, and even cooler mechanics. Since the franchise is so beloved as well, it would make sense for a remake to use its main character, Tom Cruise, as the lead character’s model, rather than hiding their faces like in the original.

As Mission Impossible films continue to be made, gamers will be looking to the industry to create a game based on these movies. It would prove to be a challenge as there would be a lot of licencing agreements to sign, but it would be an amazing experience for those who have never played the N64 game.

At the moment, there are no plans to create a Mission Impossible game, especially with Tom Cruise involved; however, it would definitely be worth it, especially if the title is similar to the Hitman franchise in its game mechanics and stealth options.

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