
The Day Before Devs Come Out Swinging, Blaming Bloggers, Content Creators, and Everyone Except Themselves for Their Utter Failure of a ‘Game’

The Day Before was a horrendous title by any and every measure. It was a game that was all over the place, and it didn’t help that the developer studio promised one thing and delivered something entirely different. In this case, the difference between the two was huge, and the game was unacceptable.

The game’s failure prompted the studio to shut down shop and process refunds for everyone who had spent their hard-earned money on the title. The game was also removed from Steam, and when the developers announced that the studio would be closed, a few people were sympathetic towards them. However, in a shocking turn of events, the developers seem to be anything but accountable.

In a Deleted Tweet, The Day Before Seems to Be Playing the Blame Game

The Day Before was a title that underwhelmed everyone.The Day Before was a title that underwhelmed everyone.
The Day Before was a title that underwhelmed everyone.

The Day Before‘s development team Fntastic published the game that gamers deemed not even near “fantastic.” The early refund rate for the title at the time of release was 46%, which is undoubtedly significant for a game.

When frustrated fans confronted the studio about it, it dismissed it by even using language that is not professional for an operating business, regardless of the circumstances. In a deleted tweet after users added context to it, the studio was seen making a statement called bizarre by almost everyone on the social media platform. Its statement doesn’t portray it in a positive light at all.

The Day Before was very hyped but it was one of the worst releases in 2023.The Day Before was very hyped but it was one of the worst releases in 2023.
The Day Before was very hyped, but it was one of the worst releases of 2023.

This is what the developers said after they announced their studio’s closure and the game’s more than tumultuous release:

Recently, a lot of misinformation has emerged on the Internet from supposedly anonymous sources. Fntastic provides an official response to these statements.

Starting with the studio defending the title’s deplorable response, it first blamed “certain bloggers.” It claimed these bloggers made money and gained views and followers by talking negatively about the game. Per the studio, this also triggered a gold rush among the creators because of the game’s “pre-release popularity.”

As stated earlier, the game was very different when it was delivered compared to what was showcased in various reveals and trailers. On this, the studio said that:

We implemented everything shown in the trailers, from home improvements and a detailed world to off-road vehicles. We only disabled a few minor features, like parkour, due to bugs but planned to include them in the full release.

The studio also made an analogy that seemed very wayward from the subject, probably to make its point. However, the analogy mentioning an experiment in which test subjects were asked to count pink objects in a room and then recall the blue ones seemed to offer more questions than answers. The developer continued to insist that this was all part of a planned disruption caused by “certain bloggers.”

The statement was appreciated by some streamers, who called their impressions and thoughts about the game unbiased. In a complete lack of accountability, the statement from the studio didn’t seem to get too professional throughout the read-through.

It also stated the following in addition to everything else:

We are not a fly-by-night company. We have been operating since 2015 and have always conducted our business honestly

Perhaps the only positive key takeaway from the statement is that the studio expressed gratitude to all of the individuals who sent their support and appealed to it not to close down and continue working. Also, the studio mentioned that it would return and asked individuals to subscribe to social media to stay updated on its latest endeavors.

While the game was an utter disaster, and fans expressed this using various forms of social media, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for the studio to get back up and provide something new and put this failure behind it. But to do that, it would have to win over its audience again and refrain from posting statements that spark outrage.

What did you think of Fntastic’s statement or The Day Before? Do you think there is a chance for the studio to set things right and come back? Let us know in the comments below.

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