
Vishal reacts strongly on comments against Trisha

The recent comments made by former AIADMK leader Avi Raju regarding star heroine Trisha have sparked widespread controversy in the Kollywood industry. Raju’s disparaging remarks against Trisha ignited a firestorm of criticism, prompting the video to go viral on social media platforms.

Trisha herself taking to Twitter to announce that her legal team will address the matter. Numerous movie stars have expressed their outrage over Raju’s comments, rallying behind Trisha in solidarity. Vishal also weighed in on the issue, condemning Raju’s behavior as disgraceful and driven solely by a desire for attention.

In his tweet, Vishal refrained from directly naming Raju.

I just heard that a stupid idiot from a political party spoke very ill and disgustingly about someone from our film fraternity. I will not mention your name nor the name of the person you targeted because I know you did it for publicity. I definitely will not mention names because we are not just good friends but also mutual co artistes in the film fraternity. I wish and hope that the women in your house welcome you back home after what you have done, if they even have a conscience, even if you don’t have one. Yes, it truly pains me to put up a tweet to even retaliate over such a demon on Earth. What you have done is absolutely filthy and not worth mentioning, But these particular ppl mean a lot personally and professionally. Honestly, I don’t want to condemn you, which is an understatement, but I hope you rot in hell. Once again, I don’t intend to make this statement as a general secretary of the artist association, but as a human being, as much as you can be on Earth, which you will never be. Of course, this has become a trend of trying to make money out of negative publicity about celebrities. Get a job, a better job. You might start off as a beggar to learn some basic discipline at least.” tweeted Vishal.

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