
What Does Dolly Parton Have to Do With Buffy the Vampire Slayer?


  • Dolly Parton, one of the original uncredited producers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, hinted at a possible revival or reboot of the series.
  • Parton’s production company, Sandollar, played a significant role in bringing Joss Whedon’s vision for the TV series to life, even after the original movie’s lackluster performance.
  • Fans are excited about the potential return of Buffy, with rumors suggesting a reboot featuring a new slayer in the same universe, possibly with a black protagonist.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a phenomenon that will not go away. Its many incarnations, reboots, and spin-offs are much beloved by fans and are constantly being revisited by new audiences. However, talk of a new series has been out in the ether for years and a huge celebrity may have just given away a bit of a clue as to what comes next.

None other than Dolly Parton, queen of country, has chimed in. She has some background since she was one of the original, yet uncredited producers of the series. In fact, she has quite a bit to do with the entire franchise. Her comments were interesting, giving people more insight into her involvement as well as what might be coming next.

The Origins of Buffy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a strange little story written by Joss Whedon. It revolves around a valley girl named Buffy Summers whose life is starkly different from her peers’. In fact, she is told that she is a slayer, someone who has been given the destiny of killing vampires and other nefarious creatures. It is up to her to fight the good fight, both literally and figuratively, and save the world. No big deal for a high school girl.

The original movie was released in 1992 and was not met with universal acclaim. In fact, it was a dud and still sits at 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, Whedon didn’t give up on his dream and, a few years later, was able to secure financing for the Buffy TV series. The show, far closer to his original vision, sits at 85% on Rotten Tomatoes and has found a huge following both during its run and since. The show is a semi-sequel to the movie but gives Buffy a new start and tweaks some of her personal details. It is Whedon’s complete vision for what the character needed to be and eventually become.

Buffy is the reluctant hero who surrounds herself with significant people who can support her in her quest. These friends play a huge role in her life and in her role as a slayer. The show’s ensemble feel gives audiences the sense that even in the worst times they are never truly alone.

How Dolly Fits In

The original Buffy movie was written by Joss Whedon and was bought by Dolly Parton’s production company, Sandollar. This meant that Dolly was intimately involved in the production of the film although she did not have her hands in the day-to-day aspects. When Whedon wanted to write his series, it was Parton and Sandollar who gave him the go-ahead and funding. She told Business Insider:

“I have to give more people more credit on ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ than me. A lot of people did so much sweat on that. That little show did great.”

Though this modesty is admirable, Business Insider also reported that Parton was heavily involved in the original series production despite living in Nashville. The fact is that the original movie didn’t do nearly as well as people wanted but Sandollar believed in Whedon (even after he walked off the shoot) enough to give him another shot.

Best Dolly Parton Movies and TV Shows, Ranked

Though she’s famous for her music, Dolly Parton has also starred in her share of movies and TV shows.

Parton has said quite a bit about how much she loved the series and the job that Whedon was able to do when given more room to write and direct. At the same time, with the success of the show, Sandollar and Whedon created the Angel spinoff series that ran for 110 episodes and was a hit in its own right. Parton has expressed continued support for Whedon and the Buffyverse in all its forms. Plus, her recent comments have given new life to those who are deeply in love with the characters.

The Future of Buffy

When Dolly Parton was asked recently by Business Insider about Buffy and the TV show itself, she said:

“They’re still working on that. They’re thinking about bringing it back and revamping it.”

This is not just a quick thought from a random stranger. This is a confirmation from the main producer. For many fans, the idea of seeing Buffy in any new series or film is extraordinary. They see this comment as stoking the forgotten embers of their fandom.

The problem is that in 2018, Whedon had stated that he had been working on a possible movie but that it never made it to fruition. But now, there are rumblings. Industry whispers about a possible reboot that takes place in the same universe but not with the same characters. The show wouldn’t necessarily follow Buffy but another slayer, and this time someone who is black.

Whatever Happened to the Buffy Reboot?

A Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot was originally announced back in 2018, but since then, nothing has managed to make it to the small screen.

One question people have is whether Joss Whedon will be given the project to work on or if it will be taken and given to someone else. Whedon has fallen prey to his own poor on-set behaviors and accusations of misconduct that could hinder upcoming projects. However, they may simply limit him to certain roles in the creative process.

In the end, Buffy the Vampire Slayer was far more successful as a show than a film, but throughout the process, Dolly Parton has been behind the scenes making decisions. Her influences in the world of entertainment are more far-reaching than anyone really knows and her avid support of this type of strange project (imagine BVS landing on your desk?) just proves what a gem she actually is.

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