
Xbox Fans Aren’t Pleased With Latest Statement From the Forza Motorsport Developers, and It’s Easy to See Why

Last year’s newest installment in the Forza Motorsport franchise got off to a good start, as expected. The Xbox game was rated highly after its release and is still rated 84 on Metacritic by critics. Developers Turn 10 Studios looked to have landed another brilliant title in the franchise, but it only took a month after release for several issues to surface as gamers started complaining.

Gamers who play online have been complaining about race regulations, the penalty rules, and the car progression system, among several other issues. Developers finally decided to address the gamers but have done so in the most vague, frustrating manner possible.

Developers Address Issues Raised by Xbox Gamers

Fans are not happy about Turn 10 Studios releasing vague statements without any solution.Fans are not happy about Turn 10 Studios releasing vague statements without any solution.
Fans are not happy about Turn 10 Studios releasing vague statements without any solution.

When Forza Motorsport developers finally dropped a message to the gamers to address the complaints raised so far, Turn 10 Studios was expected to bring a lot more clarity than it ended up with. The developers started by mentioning that they will drop similar updates quarterly going forward.

The developers then mentioned addressing three main areas where feedback has been received a lot of times recently. The car progression system in the game was addressed first by the developers. It was straight away mentioned that the feedback for this was taken from several sources, but there was no specific mention of a solution to the said feedback.

Leveling up cars involved driving them often, but the time taken to upgrade cars has been frustrating. Turn 10 developers opted to mention that they’re looking at ways to make “changes to the system.” The developers concluded by stating they would require time to look at the options in hand properly, “make the necessary code changes, and thoroughly test those code changes.”

The next hot topic mentioned was the Forza Race Regulations (FRR), which have long been called out for being rather inconsistent. Instances of intentional ramming and pushing drivers off the track, spinning cars pushing drivers off the track, and inconsistent penalties were mentioned as being the main areas where FRR were mentioned as being inconsistent.

To get a constructive solution, the developers mentioned working with competitive players and gathering data that will be used to “make FRR more accurate and reliable.” Once again, the developers asked gamers to be more patient as they “work on improving the system.

AI-driving behavior was the final topic addressed by the developers. AI drivers following racing lines too strictly, braking too hard, and being a lot more aggressive were the inconsistencies the developers mentioned to be working on. Despite the number of issues mentioned, the developers didn’t clarify what’s being done to tackle them.

Fans Frustrated Over Vague Statements by Turn 10 Studios

Developers were expected to have come up with solutions by now but there was no roadmap mentioned.Developers were expected to have come up with solutions by now but there was no roadmap mentioned.
Developers were expected to have come up with solutions by now, but there was no roadmap mentioned.

A Reddit discussion about the statement was flooded by unhappy gamers calling out the developers for releasing no call to action or a progress update in particular. Since gamers have been voicing their concerns shortly after release, the developers were expected to come out with a better roadmap after all this time.

This Redditor mentioned too many changes to the car progression and other features that aren’t helping the game in any way. Another Redditor listed out a bunch of questions that needed to be addressed, including issues with replays, stats, driver ratings in the lobby, lack of long races, having just five tracks to use every week, a bad radar, a lack of weather forecast, and glitches in the pit.

The fact that the statement, being as vague as it is, has been released months after release was also pointed out by a fan, who mentioned players might leave the game by the time better tracks are released in the game.

Since the developers mentioned the updates would be quarterly, Forza Motorsport gamers on Xbox and PC might just have to wait a while until the issues get resolved and another update is released.

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