
5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking

Launch of 5G technology The Netherlands and Japan have agreed to help constrain China’s chip business and restrict the growth of Chinese chips after the United States successfully convinced them to do so. High-end processors are essential parts of artificial intelligence, as well as vehicles, aircraft, and other devices.

Chinese businesses experienced significant losses when they were under American-led siege for a while. But now that the wind is blowing in a different direction, three wonderful pieces of news have come from China. Even the US media reported that China is growing too quickly.

technological advance

According to reports, Changdian Technology, a major chip packaging and testing company in China, has achieved the packaging of 4nm process mobile phone chips, which can result in a chip with better performance and greater cost performance.

At present, this technology is at the leading level in the world and can win more market share in the world. In addition, in the chip manufacturing process, SMIC has achieved mass production of 14nm-process chips. Read More:- The biggest mystery of Ankita Bhandari’s murder became a challenge to solve! Read Inside Story

Photonic chips

5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking
5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking

Only TSMC and Samsung are now able to manufacture 5nm electrical chips, and as time goes on, this technology will only get more complex. In contrast, photonic devices offer quicker transfer rates and simpler process design. China is setting up a production line in the photonic chip supply chain. When finished, it will contribute significantly to the advancement of chips.

The photoresist material

5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking
5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking

has a lithography machine and a chip, but it cannot be created without a photoresist. Japan has long held a monopoly on the basic technology of premium materials for lithography equipment. Nonetheless, local producers have made tremendous strides in the development of photoresist materials in recent years.

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Chinese chips have “stuck,” notably in lithography equipment. For instance, ASML in the Netherlands once stated of Dutch lithography machines: “Even if you are given technical drawings, you cannot manufacture them.”

In the semiconductor industry, Japan mostly has a monopoly on raw materials including photoresists and cleaning chemicals.
China is forbidden from utilizing semiconductor design software by the United States, which is leading the effort to encircle China’s chip sector (EDA).

a 5G network was introduced

5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking
5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking

Chinese equities are still increasing sharply even under this situation. A corner overtake has also been accomplished in the internet sector. Several Chinese businesses are introducing the new through the outdated. For instance, China Mobile has introduced a cloud disc for mobile customers that is secure, clever, infinite in speed, and stream-free using 5G technology.

First of all, it is safe and secure, using asymmetric encryption technology, and covering four core capabilities: storage backup, multi-terminal synchronization, online management, and group sharing.
Second, there is no speed limit. High-speed 5G transmission, 5G message is a comprehensive upgrade of traditional SMS, which can be opened with one key on the mobile phone. 5G technology blessing, maintains high-speed operation, eliminates speed limit Read More:- Satellite Chengguan satellite achieved IPO on the science and technology innovation board

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Finally, there is a lot of space. China Mobile Cloud Disk provides new users with 1TB of storage space for free to meet the needs of users in their studies, work, and life.

5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking
5G technology launched And The United States, Japan, and Europe are panicking

Technology alters daily living, and China’s quick progress is visible in every facet of existence. China is at the forefront of technology in the Internet era. Do you have any comments on how Chinese chips and Internet technologies are developing? Enter your message below.

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